The first United States Vets Inc. Compatriot Picnic held at Metro Park Wildwood Preserve on July 25th was welcomed not only with the marvelous weather but also with a wonderful gathering of compatriots, vets, and families.
The picnic was in celebration of those who have become members of the Compatriot Program and their sincere interest in reaching out to our local veterans in the spirit of support, friendship, and brotherhood and sisterhood.
Discussions from baseball to housing over ribs and cobbler at the picnic tables could be overheard as almost thirty friends and family enjoyed a relaxing afternoon complimented with plenty of sun and breeze.
Donations for the Toledo Northeast Ohio Foodbank were abundant, and United States Vets Inc. would like to thank those who generously contributed items for this worthy organization that assists many of our veterans in need.
United States Vets Inc. is launching a new and exciting line up of events for those who participate in the Compatriot Program. Please be sure to check the website for dates and locations for the Compatriot Program Informational presentations coming up in September to be held throughout the Toledo Library branches.