January’s Compatriot Meeting will be open to all and held on January 12, 2016 at 7pm. If you have stories to tell and don’t know where to begin, this is the evening for you. This open meeting will uncover your writing abilities to get your personal story on paper (or laptop).
The featured speaker will be former journalist and United States Vets Inc. public relations coordinator, Leslie Mestrow. She will be bringing her skills as an accomplished writer to those who would like to write their own stories. Veterans’ stories are compelling and complex. Ms. Mestrow will show you the simple steps to open your creative side and share her techniques to bring out the storyteller in you.
Compatriot meetings are an awesome opportunity to meet and learn what’s going on in veteran community and how someone is making a difference! If you are not yet a member of the Compatriot Program and would like to attend other meetings, please sign up TODAY! There are no fees or dues to become part of this exciting program designed for veterans, families and friends.
Be sure to check our website events page for complete date, time and details for this and other events.