Veterans, families and friends are invited to the 3rd annual Veteran Summer Picnic! [Read more…]
United States Vets in Toledo, Ohio
Provides assistance and resources to American Vets
By Zigit
Veterans, families and friends are invited to the 3rd annual Veteran Summer Picnic! [Read more…]
By Zigit
Amidst a seasonal rush of job fairs in the region, many vets will be taking advantage of great opportunities to meet and impress potential employers and businesses.
Veterans have plenty of forms and applications but one of the most important items to have in the file is your resume. Hey, that’s no surprise…but is it updated? It’s a competitive world out there, but you, THE VET, stand out among the crowd and your resume should reflect the same. Humility and pride can co-exist here, but before anything is developed into a magnificent resume, the foundation must be set. I have edited and consulted on numerous resumes in my career, and my peers concur that to have a successful resume, this checklist must be considered. It’s Resume 101, and never think you’re too smart not to look your resume over! [Read more…]
By Zigit
As more veterans return home from duty and are considering furthering their education, here are some basic components to be considered provided by the the VA for your information.
POST 9/11 GI BILL® YELLOW RIBBON useful as well. [Read more…]
United States Vets, Inc is a tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to meet the needs of veterans and their families. We also integrate the services of other providers and volunteers so we can better address all the needs of our brothers and sisters. With your help, we will achieve hands on success and support. Please join us and see how we can build a better life together.