Veterans, families and friends are invited to the 3rd annual Veteran Summer Picnic! [Read more…]
United States Vets in Toledo, Ohio
Provides assistance and resources to American Vets
By Zigit
Veterans, families and friends are invited to the 3rd annual Veteran Summer Picnic! [Read more…]
The first United States Vets Inc. Compatriot Picnic held at Metro Park Wildwood Preserve on July 25th was welcomed not only with the marvelous weather but also with a wonderful gathering of compatriots, vets, and families.
The picnic was in celebration of those who have become members of the Compatriot Program and their sincere interest in reaching out to our local veterans in the spirit of support, friendship, and brotherhood and sisterhood. [Read more…]
United States Vets, Inc is a tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to meet the needs of veterans and their families. We also integrate the services of other providers and volunteers so we can better address all the needs of our brothers and sisters. With your help, we will achieve hands on success and support. Please join us and see how we can build a better life together.